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Personal finance tips for college students

personal finance for college students
Personal finance and student debt
As a college student personal finance is important as it provides you with the necessary skills to effectively manage your money. If you are in college it is important for you to learn how to budget. You must also learn other money management skills such as how to avoid debt, repay student loans and develop good financial habits. Having this mentality will set the foundation for financial independence. It will help you build up your savings and develop financial responsibility. These are skills that will also be helpful as a fully grown adult in the working world.
In addition, having good personal finance habits will help you build a good credit history. It also sets you up for long-term financial stability and success.

Budgeting and expense management as a college student

So now that you are in college you would like to know how to budget effectively. For many, the college experience is one of scarce resources so you must learn how to manage resources. So here are some tips to help with budgeting while enjoying the college experience.
Start by assessing your income sources, are you on a scholarship? do you have a part-time job? how much parental support are you getting? These are just some of the questions you should be asking yourself. After listing all your sources of income, it’s time to look at your expenses. Write down the expenses that you will have to cover. Make sure to include must-pay expenses such as rent, groceries, and transportation or gas. By understanding your expenses you will understand what your costs are. Always remember to differentiate between needs and want. For example, you need to pay your rent, you don’t need to spend extra on that party that’s happening this Friday. If you are not already working you may need to get a part-time job to cover your expenses. This is especially true if you find that your needs are becoming more than your income.

Personal Finance tip for college students: Saving money on expenses

As a college student, it is often difficult to save, any income you have is often largely used to cover your needs. But here are some tactics you can use to save some money while pursuing that degree.

Take advantage of student discounts

Depending on the country you are studying in there can be a lot of benefits to being a student, you have to do research. Make sure you always have your student ID with you as in some countries some businesses offer student discounts. You may also get discounts from online stores. You can check a store’s website for student-specific discounts. Companies like Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, and more are known to offer student discounts. You just have to do a little research and contact their customer service department to find out more.
If you live in America some public transport systems as well as rideshare services offer discounted services for students. You can look into student passes to same on commuting expenses. Similarly, some places of entertainment like movie theatres can offer discounted rates if you are a student. And as always just check with customer service.
As a college student, you may also want to consider that gyms may also offer discounts. You can stay healthy while getting a little discount in the interim. In terms of textbooks for college, you can look at used textbooks. As long as the information in the book is readable and relevant it will help you save hundreds of dollars on buying new books. You may also want to look at hand-me-down books. These are books that you can get sometimes for free from people who have done the courses you are doing in the past. Some people will sell you the books as a discount. Other people if you are lucky will give you the books as they no longer have any use for them.
You must remember that although student discounts are offered by the above entities, they may not be obvious. you may have to dig for the information. We do however live where everything is at your fingertips. Your research will pay off by saving you hundreds of dollars while you enjoy the college experience.

Managing student loans while in college

College in and of itself is stressful enough. What’s more stressful is thinking about the massive student loans you will have to repay when you graduate. Many students wait until they get that degree to start the repayment process but that could be a mistake. Delaying your student loan payments will only cause increased interest rates. These increased rates mean you will have to pay more in the future. Instead of kicking the proverbial can down the street when it comes to your future; here are some tips to start paying off your loans while in college. It may come with some delayed gratification but your future student loan debt-free self will thank you for it.
When considering your personal finance getting rid of loans and in particular student loans should be on top of your list. Many students do not understand that student loans are some of the worst if not the worst loans to have. It is a loan that you cannot shake by filing bankruptcy it accrues interest until you can pay it off. There are nightmares of people in their fifties who are still making payments to their student loans for a degree that they did in the 90s. That is not a pretty image. With that being said here are some tips for handling student loans as a college student:
  • Make sure you know what you owe-Understand the details of your student loan. what is the interest rate? what are the repayment terms? how much do you owe? Find out as much about the state of your loan so you have clarity and actionable data to begin the repayment process.
  • Make sure you only borrow what you need- You should only borrow what is needed to cover your educational expenses. Remember that every dollar you borrow comes with interest that accumulates over time.
  • Make interest payments-Make interest payments on your student loans while in college. It will help to reduce the cost of your loans over time.
  • Get Financial Counselling-Check with your financial aid office, they may be able to offer some support in repaying your loans
  • Always avoid unnecessary debt-Be very averse to credit card debt and other debts while repaying your student loans. remember these will only add to your existing student loan and make repayment harder. It will also increase the probability that you will default on your loans
  • Put aside a fixed amount towards your student loans each month.
  • Finally, explore loan forgiveness programs-Depending on the career you pursue, you may be eligible for student loan forgiveness.

Tackling student loans early might make you feel like the odd man out. But remember it is better to handle the debt when you are young and spry. This is because if you let it gather interest it may be like a snowball that affects other areas of your life. It will also become an albatross around your neck. No one wants to be eighty years old and still paying down student loans.


Personal Finance tip: Build credit responsibly.

Using the above tip for servicing your student loans should help with your credit rating. Most people never realize that the student loan that they delayed paying could affect their ability to buy a car or a home in the future. You always want to be in control of your debt and not have it controlling you. With that being said here are some tips you can use to up your personal finance game by building credit.
Start with a student credit card. I know this might seem counterintuitive as you may not want to take on more debt. But the earlier you start building good credit the better your credit will be when it is time to make big purchases. A student credit card is designed to help you build credit responsibly. As a college student, you can apply sparing use of the card for small purchases to help build up that credit score.
You should also educate yourself about credit scores. There is a plethora of resources online that will help you understand how your credit score works and how it is affected. Avoid maxing out the credit card as this could have a negative impact on your credit score.
Another pro tip is to pay your bills on time. Not only does this reduce stress and anxiety, but it also plays a significant part in building your credit. This is because it shows that you are responsible for your finances.


As a college student, personal finance plays a pivotal role in setting the foundation for financial independence. Learning how to budget, manage expenses, and avoid debt are vital skills that will serve you well both during college and in the working world. Develop good financial habits, such as building savings and handling student loans responsibly. This will contribute to long-term financial stability and success.
The above strategies will help you build a strong financial foundation. Be proactive and disciplined in managing personal finances. It will lead to greater financial security. It can open doors to a world of opportunities beyond graduation. With planning and informed decision-making, you can navigate your college years with confidence. This will lead you on a path toward a bright and financially responsible future.

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