
Understanding Mental Health: Seeking Help When You Need it.

Understanding mental health
Tips on how to understand and practice good mental health
Mental health speaks to the state of your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It involves a wide range of factors, including mood, thoughts, behavior, and relationships. Although everyone has fluctuations in mental health over time. Some of us experience it on a daily basis.
Today we will explore the importance of understanding mental health. We will also look at seeking help when you need it. We will provide practical tips for maintaining and improving mental well-being.

What is Mental Health?

Good mental health is a state of well-being in which we can cope with stress. It allows us to be productive, and make positive contributions to our community. It covers many factors that influence our emotional, psychological, and social state, including:

Emotional regulation

The ability to manage and regulate one’s emotions in response to different situations and stresses.

Cognitive functioning

The ability to think, reason, and solve problems

Social functioning

Ability to form and maintain healthy relationships with others. It also involves engaging in meaningful social activities.


The way in which you see yourself and your abilities. What person do you see when you look in the mirror? and how this impacts your self-esteem and self-worth.

Understanding Mental Health Conditions

Mental health conditions are disorders that affect your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It can have a significant impact on their daily functioning and quality of life. These conditions can range from mild to severe, and get triggered by genetics, life experiences, and environment. Other factors like stress can also help or hinder your mental health.

Common mental health conditions



A mood disorder caused by persistent feelings of sadness. It also causes hopelessness, and disinterest in activities that were once enjoyable.


Caused by excessive worry, fear, and avoidance of certain situations or activities.

Bipolar disorder

Defined by extreme fluctuations in mood. This can range from high energy and euphoria to depressive low mood and energy.


A severe mental health condition characterized by disordered thinking, hallucinations, and delusions.

Eating disorders

A group of conditions caused by abnormal eating habits and preoccupations with weight and body image. Examples of this is anorexia and binge eating disorders.
Mental health conditions can be debilitating. But it is important to remember there are resources available to help. Always seek help when experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Early intervention can improve outcomes and prevent the condition from becoming more severe.

The Importance of Seeking Help

Let’s face it there is a lot of stigma associated with mental health. Because of this many people who experience mental health issues may be hesitant to seek help due to fear. They may fear judgment, or lack of knowledge about available resources. This must not deter you from seeking help as the earlier you address the condition the better.
There are many resources to help with mental health concerns, some include:

Mental health professionals

Mental health professionals can diagnose and treat mental health conditions. Some of these professionals are psychiatrists and psychologists. They can provide treatments that may include therapy, medication, and other interventions.

Support groups

These groups include people who have experienced mental health issues. They can provide a safe and supportive environment to share experiences and receive peer support.

Self-help resources

There are self-help resources available for individuals seeking to improve their mental well-being. including books, apps, and online resources. They can provide strategies for managing symptoms of mental health conditions. They will also have tips on building good mental health.
Remember that seeking help for mental health concerns is not a sign of weakness. It is a courageous step towards improving your mental well-being. With these resources, you can learn to manage symptoms and lead a fulfilling life.
The disconnect many people have with understanding mental health is it’s intangibility. If you cut yourself with a knife you can see the wound and you go to a doctor. But it you have psychological scars they are more difficult to diagnose. Unless you perform actions related to a mental health issue on a consistent basis, it is hard to detect.
People often label persons who have mental health issues as “mad” when that is a generalized term. It is a dismissive way of categorizing people with these issues.

Maintaining and Improving Mental Well-Being

Seek help when needed, some of the things to do include:
Building social support: Social support is a crucial factor in promoting mental well-being. Aim to build and maintain positive relationships with friends and family.
Engage in physical activity: Exercise releases dopamine and has mental health benefits. It helps with symptoms of depression and anxiety and improves your mood.
Use relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help to reduce stress. They also promote feelings of calmness and well-being.
Prioritizing self-care: Focus-on self-care and engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Try reading, spending time in nature, or practicing a hobby.


Pay attention to your mental health. It is the software that runs your body and affects how you experience life. Take note of the factors that contribute to mental health. Remove yourself from situations that have a negative effect on your mental health. Seek help when needed to improve mental well-being. Also, take advantage of the resources available.
One resource you may find useful is BetterHelp dot com. This website has licensed therapists that can help you on improving your mental health.

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